Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal published in February, May, August and November by Budapest International Research and Critics University Journal (BIRCU-Journal). BIRCI welcomes research papers in Humanities: Language and Linguistics, History, Literature, Performing Art, Philosophy, Religion, Visual Arts. Social Sciences: Economics, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Culture and Ethics Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Area Studies, Archaeology, and other related areas and it is published in both online and printed versions.

Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE-Journal) is a peer reviewed journal published in February, May, August, November welcome research paper in language, linguistics, oral tradition, literature, arts, education and other related fields which is published in both online and printed versions.

Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences (BirEx-Journal) is a peer reviewed journal published in January, April, July, October welcome research paper in Medical Science, Agriculture Science, Biological Science, Engineering Science and other related areas and it is published in both online and printed version.

SIASAT Journal is an international journal for religious, social, cultural and political studies using a peer-reviewed process published in January, April, July and October by BIRCU Publisher in association with The Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association (Insiera) , Himpunan Indonesia untuk Pengembangan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (HIPIIS-Indonesian Association for the Development of Social Sciences) and Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu-ilmu Adab (ADIA-Association of Humanities Lectures). SIASAT Journal of Religion, Social, Cultural and Political Sciences welcomes articles in politics, global issues, culture, social and other related areas published both online and printed version.

Konfrontasi is an international journal implemented in a peer-reviewed process published in March, June, September and December by BIRCU Publisher in association with Himpunan Indonesia untuk Pengembangan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (HIPIIS- Indonesian Association for the Development of Social Sciences), Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu-ilmu Adab (ADIA-Association of Humanities Lectures) and English Studies Association in Indonesia (ESAI) . Konfrontasi welcomes articles in culture, economics, social and other related areas published both online and printed version.

Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published in February, June and October by Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher. BIoHS Journal welcomes research papers in humanities: language and linguistics, history, literature, performing art, philosophy, religion, visual arts. Social sciences: economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, geography, culture and ethics studies, gender and sexuality studies, area studies, archaeology, and other related areas and it is published in both online and printed versions.

Britain International of Linguistics, Arts and Education (BIoLAE) Journal is a peer reveiwed journal in February, May, August and November by Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher. BIoLAE Journal welcomes papers in language, linguistics, oral tradition; literature; arts and education. It is published in online and printed version.

Britain International of Exact Sciences (BioEx) Journal is a peer reviewed journal published in January, May, September by Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher. BioEx Journal welcome research paper in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, medical sciences, argicultural sciences and other related areas and it is published in online and printed version.

Lakhomi Journal : Scientific Journal of Culture is an international journal using a peer-reviewed process published in December, March, June and September by Britian International for Academic Research Publisher (BIAR-Publisher). Lakhomi welcomes research papers in culture and other researches relating to culture, ancient and also modren culture. It is published in both online and printed version.

LingLit Journal: Scientific Journal for Linguistics and Literature is an international journal using a peer-reviewed process published in December, March, June and September by Britain International for Academic Research Publisher (BIAR-Publisher). LingLit welcomes research papers in linguistics, literature, and other researches relating to linguistics and literature. It is published in both online and printed version.

Polit Journal: Scientific Journal for Politics is an international journal using a peer-reviewed process published in November , February, May and August by Britian International for Academic Research Publisher (BIAR-Publisher). Polit welcomes research papers in politics, parliamentary, political party and other researches relating to politics. It is published in both online and printed version.

Economit Journal: Scientific Journal for Economy is an international journal using a peer-reviewed process published in November , February, May and August by Britian International for Academic Research Publisher (BIAR-Publisher). Economit welcomes research papers in economy, accountancy, management and other researches relating to the economy. It is published in both online and printed version.

Bircu Publishing is scientifically designed and created to publish books, theses, dissertations, novels, short stories, fiction ets which can be written in all languages without any restriction